Try Temporary Jobs to Find Your Dream Job

If you’re contemplating a return to the workplace after taking several years off while your children were young or just looking for a fresh start, working as a temporary employee is a way to learn about a variety of industries in a short amount of time.

That’s just one of the good points about entering the world of the temp. Many staffing agencies, including Mom Corps, count temporary placements among the many avenues of flexible staffing available these days for people who are looking for easier ways to integrate their work life with personal and family responsibilities.

Get a variety of jobs
The old stereotype of temp workers hired as filing clerks and go-fers isn’t true anymore. In addition to recent college graduates and other entry-level employees, many companies seek temporary services from people who have had full-time careers and now choose to work when they want. Professionals in areas such as finance, computer programming and legal services are placed in temporary jobs that give them the ability to keep their skills sharp and stay on top of developments in their fields while adding recent work experience to their resumes.

At the same time, if you want to learn about different industries you can work for a variety of companies that will provide you with a glimpse of what it would be like to be employed in those fields. If you choose to work full-time again, you’ll have gained some expertise in your new profession. When a job comes up that captures your interest, you’ll be able to apply with a resume that’s geared to the skill set and work responsibilities of that position.

When it comes to jobs for working parents, who need flexibility to keep their family lives running smoothly, temporary work can be a particularly interesting way to work. Not only will they be able to choose assignments when they want, but they’ll have a varied workload and learn about different business cultures and methods while they move from one contract to another.

Gain new employment
Taking temporary jobs is a great way to bridge the gap when you’ve been laid off from a job and are seeking new employment. You can keep your skills fresh, but more importantly you’re lining up potential references and opportunities for a new job. Very often, that new position may be at a firm where you’ve temped. Hiring managers are inclined to hire those they’re familiar with, and having worked a temporary job at their company has already told them what kind of employee you’d make.

Some of the ways you can stand out when companies are trying to find experienced professionals is to show your interest in learning new skills, being open to suggestions and always trying to find a new way to excel. This signals your work ethic and professional outlook in a way that will make an impression well beyond the time you’ve spent as a temporary employee.

Enjoy work-life blend
More than anything, if you’re looking for work that’s flexible, then working as a temp is one of the best ways to create a work-life blend between your time on the job and your personal hours.

When you’re offered a temporary job by a staffing agency, you’re told the company where you’ll work, your duties and the length of the contract for which you’ll be working. You have a choice to accept or turn down assignments, so if your family is especially busy during a certain time and it’s not convenient for you to work then, you can say no.

Always let your agency know you’re interested in being called for future assignments, and make sure you’re on the same page about what kind of work you want so you’ll head to assignments that are in line with your expectations. 


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