3 Must-Take Steps After Accepting a Job

Cheers! You made it through the job search and interview process and have accepted an offer. But…you still have a few more things on your to do list before you move on. Right now, go ahead and take a minute to celebrate. Once you’re done, you’ll need to communicate your resignation to your current employer, and then don’t forget to do these 3 things to set yourself up for future success:

Say Thank You. It’s nice when someone appreciates and acknowledges your efforts. Throughout your job hunting process, there were likely several people who lent professional advice, connected you with people in their network, notified you of job openings, provided you with a recommendation, or even invited you to coffee. Don’t forget to share your good news with them and say thank you.

Follow up. Most know the importance of following up after an interview. Once you have made your decision to take a position, go that extra step to follow up with those who you are declining, or removing yourself from their selection process to let them know you have accepted another offer. It makes an excellent professional impression on the other companies you were considering.

Add value. You likely spoke during the interview process about what you would bring to the organization if they hired you. What is it that you can do to make the team stronger and a greater success? Now’s the time to put action behind your words. Become part of the team and begin contributing to the organization’s culture and success.

Oh…and there’s one more…keep networking. Don’t wait to network until you need to network! You likely reaped the benefits of your network during this process – now’s your chance to give back.

Have other suggestions? What have you done…or what do you wish more candidates would do?


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