Intake Interview: Our secret sauce.
Our Corps Team Client Service Partner will perform an in-depth outcomes-based intake interview prior to agreeing to take on any search.
Why? This unique approach turns the traditional process around, working from the businesses perspective to determine the most effective way to meet a client’s goals through the Corps Team workforce solutions (this may include direct hire, project, contract or part-time).
Position Brief: Our handshake.
The Client Service Partner will write up a position brief and submit it to their client.
Why? This critical step ensures we do not miss any business objectives and are focused on the right goals to recruit the best professional for our client.
Custom Talent Acquisition Plan: Preparation.
Our Talent Acquisition Specialist will create a custom plan to source, recruit and screen professionals, meeting the criteria mutually agreed upon in our position brief. We integrate our active and passive community with our sourcing expertise for a more thorough search.
Why? A complete slate of qualified candidates that only Corps Team can provide. Our private talent network of over 300,000 professionals + their networks + targeted recruiting = better hires.
Go to Market: Execution.
This is the first step for many of our competitors. They get a job description and begin posting anywhere and everywhere. Our targeted approach is very different. We utilize what we learn from our Intake Interview and Position Brief to create our Custom Talent Acquisition plan, and then execute using this plan. We market the position according to the plan, source, screen, and recruit the top talent for the open position. The results speak for themselves.Selection Brief: Bringing it home.
Our Talent Acquisition Specialist will present a slate of candidates for review. Each candidate presented has been screened by our experienced recruiters and evaluated on their resume skills, soft skills, and personal needs and goals.
The results? Our clients will be presented with a Selection Brief that includes a summary of our assessment of each professional in addition to a copy of their resume (CV).