Get Into Flexible Staffing While the Market’s Hot

As a working parent who needs flexible staffing opportunities, you might think that your preferences make you a less appealing candidate than others who are willing to be in the office or work every single day. After all, working from home and part-time – yet steady – employment is a relatively new trend in the business world, though it’s a lot more popular than you might think.

Employers want to use flexible staffing
Part-time or temporary employees may have been treated like dispensable workers in the past, but Workforce magazine pointed out that ever since the recession of 2008, companies have been more careful with how to allocate staffing resources to their employees. Sometimes, part-time workers give corporations more financial flexibility in uncertain markets, which is why the total earnings for temporary employees has steadily increased over the years.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that September marked the addition of nearly 248,000 employees in temporary positions. This number outstripped full-time employment, which sat at 236,000 new jobs. 

The BLS also outlined which industries added the most flexible staffing employment opportunities in September:

  • Professional and business services: 81,000
  • Retail trade: 35,000
  • Leisure and hospitality: 33,000
  • Education and health services: 32,000
  • Information technology: 12,000.

Workforce magazine explained that the staffing industry accounted for $122 billion in sales to client companies in 2013, and more than $109 billion of that revenue was due to temporary or contract employment opportunities. As the economy continues to recover, expect companies to keep relying on part-time workers to make their financial standings a little more forgiving. Parents should capitalize on this trend by pursuing flexible staffing jobs, even if you haven’t had any luck in the past. Companies are still hiring for these positions, and it’s up to you to get your resume into their hands. 


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