Taking on a new career can be challenging and a little daunting. You may be asking yourself a lot of questions, including “Can I do this?” Here at Mom Corps, we believe that you CAN start a new career, and we are here to guide you on that path.
Here are a few tips to getting your dream career.
Let your resume do the talking. Now, we are not saying to lie on your resume (don’t do it!). What we are saying is use the experience you do have to help demonstrate your value and expertise: Leadership roles, projects that demonstrate your strong work ethic and good communication skills, etc. These are called soft skills, and they are what employers are looking for in candidates. Be direct and point out how your skills will apply to the position you’re applying for, even if your experience is not in the same industry.
Take classes. You don’t have to make a long-term commitment to complete a degree to go back to school. Add additional skills by taking classes at your local community college or adult learning extensions of major universities. You can also find online class options like Lynda.com or Khan Academy.
Volunteer. Try out new job positions by offering your time through volunteering. Not only do you get to practice your new skillset, but you also gain experience and help others at the same time. It’s a win-win! When adding to your resume, make sure you’re able to talk about that volunteer work just like any other job with measurable outcomes.
Look for flexible work. Find temporary jobs, or try part-time or short-term contract roles in the industry you are looking to enter. If you choose to work full-time again, you’ll have gained some expertise in your new profession. Find flexible jobs on our job board.
Have any other tips to add, or want to share your story of how you started a new career? Post a comment below!