What single benefit attracts the best candidates? Flexibility. The infographic offers insight to the values of flexible work for candidates and employers and aims to continue to strengthen the conversation around workplace flexibility as a talent strategy that benefits both employees and their organizations.
Flexibility Matters
From the millennial generation to the Baby Boomers, flexibility in the workplace matters. Though their reasons vary between caring for family members and work-life satisfaction, employers who offer flexible working options are bound to see improvements in productivity and loyalty.
The benefits of flexible working for employers include lower operating costs and salary changes in exchange for more flexibility. Each telecommuter reduces operating costs by $6,500, and nearly half of working adults would give up a portion of their salary in exchange for more flexibility. Employers also receive the added benefit of increasing retention and recruitment of potential candidates. 73% of job seekers say flexibility is one of the most important factors when choosing a job, and 39% of workers have left or have considered leaving a job that wasn’t flexible enough.
Learn more about the benefits of flexible work in the infographic below.