The Mandatory Checklist to Help Ace Your Video Interview

video interview

Interviews, in general, are already stressful. Now that almost every interview is via video, there is more to be concerned about. If you have not participated in a video interview, you may not know what to expect. This can cause anxiety. Fortunately, preparation can increase your confidence and comfort for participating in a video interview.

Follow this checklist to help find success in your next video interview.


Get ready for your video interview as you would for an in-person interview. Learn all you can about your potential employer, the role, and the interviewers. Review the company webpage, recent news, and job posting. Read up on employer reviews, company culture, and what a day at the office is like. Take a look at the interviewer’s profile on LinkedIn and find some things you have in common to bring up during your interview. Show how your skills, knowledge, and experience make you best qualified for the role. Demonstrate specific ways you benefitted previous employers and can benefit your next one.

Minimize Noise

Maintain as much quiet as possible. Choose a room away from people and pets. Close the door and window to reduce sounds from outside activity. Log out of your social media accounts, email, notifications, and applications. Silence your phone.

Choose a Neutral Background

Select a neutral backdrop. Choose a bare wall free from artwork, bookshelves, or other distracting objects. You want the interviewer’s attention on you, not something about the room you are sitting in. Sit close to the camera, so just your head and shoulders are visible. Test out the best lighting before you begin your interview.

Use a Quality Webcam and Microphone

Choose an appropriate webcam and microphone. Put the webcam at the same height as your head. Point it slightly downward for a flattering angle. Sit up straight to portray a professional appearance.

Create a Professional Appearance

Present yourself in a professional manner. Dress in clothing appropriate for an interview. Choose solid, neutral colors that show up well on camera. Ensure your hair is cut and appropriately styled. Keep any makeup to a minimum. If you have a beard, make sure it is groomed.

Monitor Your Body Language

Maintain appropriate body language. Smile. Keep eye contact with the interviewer by looking at the camera. Lean forward a bit to show you are engaged in the conversation. Place your feet flat on the floor and hands in your lap. Nod and use hand gestures when appropriate. Have any notes nearby for an occasional glance.

Conduct Mock Interviews

Ask a friend to perform mock interviews with you. Practice navigating the video conference platform your interviewer chose. Find out how to resolve issues before your big day. Request objective feedback on your lighting, camera angle, on-camera appearance, tone, speaking speed, and quality of answers. Record the mock interviews to review your body language, posture, articulation, physical environment, and answers. Adjust accordingly.

Set Up a Video Interview

Set up a video interview with Corps Team to find your next administrative, HR, accounting & finance, IT, or marketing role. Gain access to a recruiter who provides valuable advice and a range of opportunities with competitive compensation and benefits. See which jobs interest you today.


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