The majority of the workforce can do some percentage of their work remotely. This means that your company may have at least some of its employees working from home. If so, your onboarding process could be virtual. You can use these guidelines for help getting started.
Implement these five tips to onboard your remote employees.
1. Extend a Warm Welcome
Set the tone for employee engagement by letting them know you are excited to have them join your organization. Send a welcome card, email, and/or a company-branded gift. Have your current employees send the new hire 15- to 30-second welcome videos by email, text, or chat. Also, encourage the employee to connect with coworkers through Slack, Zoom, LinkedIn, or email. Additionally, schedule a virtual coffee meeting so the new hire can get to know their teammates.
2. Provide the Necessary Equipment and Tools
Give the new hire the equipment and tools required to perform their work. This may include a laptop and access to a virtual private network (VPN), videoconferencing, messaging, file sharing, cloud backup, data encryption, and other technology. Include details about password management and cybersecurity. Plus, share the contact information for getting help with IT issues.
3. Include a Remote Work Partner
Introduce the new hire to a seasoned colleague who can help them acclimate to your team, company, and culture. The experienced team member can show the new one how to use communication tools and connect with coworkers on a personal level. They also can regularly check-in to answer questions and provide support for working remotely.
4. Share a Schedule and Checklist
Let the new hire know what their first few weeks will look like and what they need to get done. This may include the tools to download, communication channels to join, documents to sign, and people to schedule meetings with. Be sure to mention the days and times for orientation and training as well. The more detailed you are, the more prepared the new hire can be. Remind them to ask questions when needed. Plus, include videos to introduce your company’s procedures. Watching and listening to a colleague perform a task is an effective form of training.
5. Clarify Expectations
Let the new hire know exactly what you expect from them during the first year of employment. For instance, share the hours during which they need to be online and available. Also, let the employee know which forms of communication require an immediate response and which are less urgent. Additionally, define the new hire’s individual and team goals. Plus, let them know how frequently you will check in to discuss projects, answer questions, monitor their progress, and resolve issues.
Get Help with Hiring and Onboarding
Turn to Corps Team when you need help hiring and onboarding employees. Find out more today.