Most people pause their job search during the holidays, but believe it or not, the end of the year can be a great time for job seekers to get ahead. While many people do take time off during the holidays, it’s a little quieter around the office and your chances of getting in touch with people who never have time to answer the phone will actually increase. Additionally, many companies often have use-it-or-lose-it budgets to spend during this time.
Here are some tips on how to continue your job search during the holidays:
1. Take advantage of silent nights – If you’re currently employed, this can be a great time to take advantage of the time-off work to spruce up your resume and get focused on your job search. Make sure your social media profiles are up-to-date, and keep an eye on your social media accounts for networking. You might even be able to schedule some interviews during the holidays since things are slow during this time!
2. Rock around the Christmas tree – There are plenty of holiday party opportunities where you can network with friends and family. Don’t assume that the people closest to you know what skills you bring to the table and what you’re looking for. Have conversations and be sure to have some business cards on hand to share if the opportunity arises.
3. Have a thankful heart – Sending hand-written cards to your contacts, prospective employers, references, and anyone who has helped you over the past year is a great way to keep in touch and show thanks.
**Wishing the happiest of holidays to you and your loved ones!**