For an employee who’s worked a 9-to-5 job in a typical office setting, being able to have a flexible schedule or telecommute are benefits that previous generations of workers couldn’t imagine. Working women in particular have been limited in the selection of jobs for moms that provide work hours that allow them to coordinate their children’s school schedules with their own.
Now, companies, with the help of staffing groups like Mom Corps, are finding they can engage in flexible staffing options for their employees without losing their edge in the marketplace. Instead, it’s a selling point to many prospective workers if a business offers them the chance to leave early on some days with the understanding that they’ll make up the hours in the evening at home.
Credit technology with much of this change. With a well-outfitted home office, workers can stay in touch with colleagues, send completed projects by email or teleconference during a staff meeting.
More hiring options
According to The Huffington Post, companies have found that rather than slacking off when they work at home or job-share with another employee – usually splitting a full-time job into two part-time positions – employees who work flexible schedules are apt to be more productive. Why? The opportunity to integrate family and personal obligations into their work week more easily leaves workers happier, less stressed-out and more confident about their ability to get their job done well.
In addition, companies have been able to broaden their talent options with the advantage of hiring those who live outside their vicinity because workers can work at home. This expands the talent pool to include military spouses who are forced to move according to service assignments, people with disabilities who can work more comfortably at home and retired professionals who’ve already had a career of 9-5 days.
Better teamwork
Companies often make the claim that it costs more to train a new employee than to retain an experienced worker. By creating a happier, more productive workforce, businesses are reaping the financial benefits of lower employee turnover and reduced hiring costs.
That’s not the only thing that’s true for those who’ve chosen to work a flexible schedule. Earlier this year, the National Workplace Flexibility Study found that managers’ concerns about accessibility to employees who work at home and whether the workers used time appropriately have decreased. In addition, the study showed that team morale and productivity also improved between telecommuting partners, their office colleagues and their employers.
Ready to start recruiting and retaining experienced talent? Learn more about Mom Corps Services.