Whether you’re opting into the workforce after taking a few years off or are cutting back to spend more time with family, part-time work is a great way to generate income without sacrificing your personal life.
Flexible work can provide a better work-life blend, allowing you to tend to tasks at home while flourishing as a professional. There are benefits beyond this that you may not have thought of. Here’s a list of other advantages of flexible part-time work that’ll get you excited for your new job.
Time for hobbies: Chances are, you were too busy during your professional leave to explore hobbies. Now that you have the opportunity to return to work, you may choose to stick to part-time hours in order to continue tending to personal tasks. However, it also gives you time to return to old hobbies or explore new ones. Depending on the outcome, you may even be able to launch a side business. With a part-time job under your belt, you don’t have to worry about income.
Save time and money: Working from the comfort of your home is a welcome option to many people. Not having to commute saves time and money as well. You don’t have to worry about fluctuating gas prices, going out for lunch too frequently, running late to work or returning home at odd hours. Working from home means you’ll be able to enjoy home-cooked meals and be available for any family members who may require assistance.
Avoid scheduling troubles: Working full time is a huge commitment. Depending on the company, it can mean dedicating 40 or more hours to your work each week. This leaves little time for anything else, including important appointments with doctors or with your child’s teacher. Furthermore, it gives more leeway for unforeseen instances, such as your child falling ill or repairing a leaky sink. These aren’t necessarily reasons to skip the work day altogether, so being able to work from home and not having to commit as many hours as a full-time worker will give you more time to take care of other important responsibilities.
Have more “me” time: People who work full time really only have the weekend to enjoy themselves and forget about work. Part-time employment means having more time to yourself and your family and can be a great way to return to the workforce.