Are work and life pulling you in different directions?
Feel like you have to choose between being a good family member and being a good employee?
Feel like you don’t even have the time to read this post?
Then you need to find a few minutes – because this post can help you find the equilibrium between work and life that’s currently eluding you.
Logically, you know that overwork and an inability to truly disconnect from your job isn’t good for you. Lack of work-life satisfaction:
- Increases stress. When priorities outside of work go unattended, you feel more conflicted – and distracted.
- Decreases fulfillment. The adage “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is true! When you don’t have a healthy work-life mix, you miss out on meaningful life experiences – things that make you happy, like spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies you enjoy, traveling, attending sporting events and more.
- Diminishes focus and performance. When you’re distracted and stressed on the job, you’re unable to function at peak levels.
If this “doom and gloom” hits a little too close to home for you, resolve to make work-life satisfaction a real priority – and start with these 4 steps:
Get your priorities straight. Each of us has a unique set of goals, responsibilities, needs and wants. What’s most important to you? Upward career mobility? The ability to care for an aging parent? Earning an advanced degree? Starting a family? Do some soul-searching to determine what matters most – and use that as the focal point for determining the right mix of work and home life.
Set limits. Sure, there are demands on your time and attention. Yes, management may place pressure on you to make yourself available outside of work. Of course, co-workers will try to heap more work on your plate. These are the nature of the “beast” we call work – and the very reasons you need to set better limits and boundaries:
- Learn how and when to selectively say “no.”
- Set limits on your after-hours accessibility – and turn off your phone and computer to be sure you comply with your own rules.
- Find ways to limit distractions on the job. When you’re at work, commit to being fully present, especially when you’re doing high-focus tasks. Close your door or find a quiet space to work. Close any open programs (especially email) to prevent notification interruptions. Silence your phone or turn on your “do not disturb.”
Talk to your boss. If your current work role prevents you from achieving a healthy equilibrium, request a sit-down meeting to discuss your concerns. Find out what resources or flex work options might be available to reduce conflicts between home and work.
Could you shift your start and stop times to reduce your commute time? Is job sharing an option? Could you work a compressed workweek? Does your company allow telecommuting – even a few days a week? Explore your options and focus on solutions. During your conversation, make it clear that work is a priority for you, and that a better balance will make you a happier, more focused and productive employee.
Find a flexible professional opportunity with Corps Team.
If your current employer can’t offer the work flex you need, consider the options Corps Team offers. Whether you need to work part time, work from home, or control your own schedule, Corps Team can connect you with challenging opportunities to use your skills – and achieve your ideal work-life mix. Contact your local Corps Team recruiter today or search professional flexible job opportunities here.