One bad Recruiter can give us all a terrible reputation. They make the hiring process horrible for candidates and leave them with an impression that all recruiters are cut from the same cloth. However, there are many aspects that distinguish us…you just have to know how to identify them.
Here are some tips to help you see the differences so you can choose the right people to partner with.
Bad Recruiters
- Will not connect with candidates or try to build a trusting relationship.
- Ask improper questions.
- Do not listen to you and are not honest about the process, job, pay, etc.
- Ghost you without providing any feedback or reason.
- Pressure you to take a job offer, no matter if it’s what you want.
Good Recruiters
- Will establish a relationship and strong rapport from the first conversation and throughout the hiring process.
- Share information freely and transparently so you can make the best decisions.
- Ask quality questions and truly listen to your responses so they can assess job fit and motivators.
- Guide you through the process from start to finish.
- Provide valuable insight into market trends, compensation, interview tips, and more.
- Evaluate job offers with you without “strong-arming” you.
You are not just a number and should be treated as a professional that deserves a quality hiring process. It can be a great journey with the right partner.