September 16th is National Working Parents’ Day. At Mom Corps, we work with women and men who are struggling to find that satisfaction between making a career they love and spending time with the ones they love. We are honored to be a voice in the flexible work movement and help bring together ambitious, hard-working parents and organizations who make families a priority.
Knowing the makeup and desires of the workforce is greatly beneficial to companies looking for talent. After all, the overall labor force participation rate of all mothers with children under 18 was 69.9% and all fathers was 92.8%. To bring to light the struggles and mindsets of working parents & encourage discussion among employers, here are 8 facts you might not know about working mothers and working fathers.
Working Mothers:
Working Fathers:
Do these statistics resonate with you and your family? Are you an employer who looks for new ways to add flexibility for your employees? Let us know in the comments!