Conducting a video interview lets you efficiently talk with candidates from any location to find the talent your team needs. A computer, camera, microphone, speakers, software, and Wi-Fi are all you need to connect with a number of applicants in a short time. Because video interviews can be stressful for candidates, you want to create a personable environment that encourages them to open up. The better your candidate experience, the more likely they are to want to work for you.
Follow these guidelines to provide a comfortable environment for video interviews.
Offer Tech Support
Send the candidates instructions on how to join the video interview. Since some applicants may not be familiar with this type of interview, include a few practice exercises. The candidates can learn to navigate the platform in advance. Also, include contact information for an IT staff member to test the applicants’ equipment and connectivity before their interview. Plus, be sure the candidates have a dial-in number in case the video link or hardware ends up not working. Assure them that if there is a poor connection or temporary camera malfunction, they will remain in the running.
Choose a Quiet Location
Set up your equipment in an area free from distractions. Be sure the space has proper lighting, privacy, and a professional background. If you are in a room with a door or windows, close them. If there are people around you, ask them not to interrupt you. Mute all notifications from your mobile devices as well.
Maintain Professionalism
Treat the video interview as if it were in-person. For instance, wear appropriate/professional attire. Also, sit up straight, smile, and nod throughout the conversation. Additionally, maintain eye contact by looking into the camera. Plus, pause before talking to ensure the applicant has finished their response.
Have Your Questions Ready
Be prepared with questions about each candidate’s qualifications and reasons for wanting the position. For instance, begin with icebreakers to get to know the applicant on a personal level. Then, move to more in-depth questions about the candidate’s skills and work history. Include behavior-based questions to determine how the applicant used critical skills in past roles. For instance, “What are two skills you acquired through previous positions that would be useful in this role?” Or, “Can you describe a challenge you faced at work and how you overcame it?” Be sure to include role-specific questions as well.
Include Next Steps
Let the candidate know what to expect next. Include when they should hear back from you by and what your contact information is. Encourage the applicant to follow up if the deadline passes, and you have not contacted them.
Talk with Corps Team
The professionals at Corps Team are ready to help with your recruitment needs. Contact us.