Effectively Managing Across a Multi-Generational Workforce

Understanding the diverse needs of a multi-generational workforce helps effectively manage your employees. Although working with multi-generational employees can be challenging, it also is beneficial.

Professionals from diverse generations have unique work styles, approaches, skills, and experiences. Their communication styles, adaptability, technical skills, and collaboration methods positively contribute to the organization.

Baby boomers, born 1946-1964, are hard-working, self-assured, goal-oriented, and disciplined. Generation X, born 1965-1980, is direct, adaptable, and independent. Millennials, born 1980-1995, crave recognition, validation, reassurance, and achievements. Generation Z, born from 1996-2015, is diverse, open-minded, tech-savvy, and focused on self-improvement. When employees of these generations are properly managed, their differences provide valuable results for employers.

Implement these tips to effectively manage across a multi-generational workforce.

Provide Flexibility

Let your employees determine where and when they work. Providing remote or hybrid work options and a flexible schedule promotes engagement and productivity.

Your multi-generational workforce can accomplish more by approaching work in the way that best fits their lifestyle. Measuring the results is more important than where the work was performed or when.

Personalize Communication

Ask your multi-generational workforce which types of communication they prefer. For instance, baby boomers often prefer talking in person or over the phone. Conversely, employees of other generations may like communicating through email, text, or instant messages.

Tailoring your communication methods helps you connect with your multi-generational workforce. This ensures your team receives the information they need and understands how it impacts them.

Accommodate Learning Styles

Your multi-generational workforce prefers to learn in diverse ways. For instance, baby boomers typically prefer handbooks, PowerPoint presentations, and other traditional training methods. However, younger generations often prefer interactive, technology-based training tools.

Catering to the diverse learning styles of your multi-generational workforce promotes training and professional development. It also emphasizes your desire to help your employees advance their careers.

Promote Cross-Generational Interactions

Encourage your multi-generational workforce to work together. For instance, assign cross-generational employees to collaborate on a project. Or, ask employees of different generations to mentor each other.

Regular cross-generational interactions promote open-mindedness and understanding of others’ differences. This reduces conflict between employees with different ideas and perspectives on work issues.

Offer Professional Development

Provide your multi-generational workforce with opportunities for professional development. This may include participating in seminars, conferences, or professional associations. Or, it might involve taking an online course, working on a stretch assignment, or cross-training in another role or department.

Offering diverse opportunities for professional development encourages your multi-generational workforce to continuously develop their skill sets. This promotes engagement among your employees.

Need to Hire Multi-Generational Employees?

Corps Team has multi-generational candidates who can help move your business forward. Find out more today.


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